Saturday, January 29, 2011

Columbia, Sc And Waxing

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam - My opinion

Bad Company 2 was awesome. The destruction and the sound Battlefieldfan please everyone, even the Dedicated server speak for Bad Company 2 A tank in Battlefield 2 is still stopped at a garden fence, and that has changed with Bad Company 2. But 15 € for an extension, such as Vietnam are really in order? If you like Bad Company 2, Viet Nam will also like, no wonder. Great multiplayer with the usual great destruction and the brilliant sound. However, the maps quickly repeat, it is always a hose Rush mode level on a mountain, but for 15 € is acceptable. Even the feel of Vietnam comes across great, even if the vegetation is relatively small.
What does that mean if you enjoy Bad Company 2 has? Buy! The 15 € worth the maps, they bring a fresh twist to the game through the new scenario. Who but with Bad Company 2, could not do anything for which Vietnam is not worthwhile.

Convert Studio Vision Files To Midi

10.1.2 iTunes for Jailbreaker

Have you tested it and it does not prevent a jailbreak.

How To Build A Vhf/uhf Balun

SIX shopping

I'm so sorry I have not posted anything for so long! Am in just exam stress. The hope you understand. Maybe it's all just for some time.

Here you see my mini- yield of SIX . I was so looking forward to the Sale, wanted to buy everything stopped - and then had the Bonn branch closed for renovations. And in Cologne was grazed all anyway.

earrings and bracelets were not on sale - but the purses! It was reduced from € 7.95 to 3 € . Who gives out for something like 8 €? Reduced but I could not resist it!

Next time I buy really empty everything!

I try to be more active in the near future!
Hope you have a nice weekend,

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Much Does A Ceragem Cost

Trouble at the feeding place

After a few days of near-spring, where the blackbirds had better things to do than pick at my raisins, they are again there. Today also saw again my favorite
dust (which is the injury to the Lame Leg from last year) over. The manor was

Amsel not funny.

But what can you do as a blackbird already against this monster?

retreat and attack!

this time from behind.

big impression does not.

tü tütütülüttütü .....

Menno! tütü tütütlüttütü

prepare quick cover and attack from above!

Done. All mine!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Delete Gpsphone Savesw

Things are looking up

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cap Standard Beer Bottles

water under the bridge ... A year

.. men say, if one has the latest news Bart have.

The last post is old hat.

The new year has not kept long, which has promised the old and to me it's not particularly good.

Today is Day 11 of the first year and instead of water from the roof this time we have water in the basement. Despite a slope! Or perhaps because of? This is still damp corners and mold in the kitchen and living room and in response to my letter of complaint dated December, a notice of the apartment for personal use. A rogue
the evil thinks.
is the next sentence, however, that I could buy!
But what I will not do with security .... I would possibly take it as a gift ....
But only as long as the now completely leaky roof in a stairwell doorways ... At the latest when we can enter the apartment only by a ladder, I must forgo the luxury of a rent-free apartment ....

The circumstances in our beautifully situated, but now dilapidated dwelling force me now to really do my new apartment.
I wanted this in this life really is not and therefore my mood. It varies between anger and grief, and actually I could howl with rage at this ignorant. Buying a home means not only raise money but also to invest and that's not happened since Jaaahren and now it's too late.

My mind has registered, but the rest in my head yet.
The feeling is: I do not want to leave here! Basta.

The results are bad headaches, and sleep and helplessness.



Sunday, January 2, 2011

Examples Of Insurance Counteroffer Letters

greenpois0n RC5

About Twitter gave Joshua Hill (p0sixninja) announced that a new version of greenpois0n will soon appear, this works with 4.2.1 and is a tethered Jailbreaklösung because Joshua H. did not have time to post all untethered. A unethered jailbreak is likely to appear soon.


Junior Valentines Dresses

34th Wingless

I was playing with a purple key chain - an object of my imagination, a trick of my memories, for I know that I never owned one - while my mother walked through the living room and cleared away here and there a couple of books, magazines, water bottles and maps.

"Your father is ill," she said, and grabbed a green folder, threw into it a quick look and then set it to the other in the closet, "you should visit him."

"Papa Come visit me when I have the flu, in bed while sipping your disgusting tomato soup? "

She sighed loudly and sat on one of the sofas and watched me intently. "He is sick. His wife has tried several times to reach you. "

" Oh, I did. "Will he die now?"

"How can you contact with such a facial expression asking if your father is dying?"

I pulled a pout and repeated the question. She gave me no answer but got up and proceeded to clean up the living room. "You should see him. Whether he died or not. you should do this because it is your father and because he would be pleased determined. "

" Do you remember? Last summer, when he hit me again and did you mean then that I should never have to drive him and his happy, happy family? "

"I remember this." She sounded irritated and annoyed her voice reminded me of myself. "Anyway."

I wanted her to say that I would not go. Wanted with their fight and then stomp angrily to my room, slam the door shut behind me, close listening, loud music, smoke crack and go down a little later to her and tell her that she was alone to blame, that I had become so .

that they had admitted that my father cut my wings and ausrupfte that she had accepted that my life in ruins before, was behind me. I wanted to yell at her and give her a slap. You spit.

I wanted to tell her that I needed her as a mother. I wanted to tell her that she should support me, to help me come to terms with my life. come with me to clear.

I wanted to beat and beat and rip up and suffocate. Wanted to see how they died painfully in my hands, just like I had died. Because she deserved it.

Instead, I shook my head - shook and shook and shook - to my mind from my ears fell next to me and shy and ashamed, hid under the carpet. I shook my head - shook and shook and shook - to the fear of what I wanted to me what I had imagined, and went as cold water ran down to my spine.

"I do not want that Daddy died," I whispered - because I was afraid someone might hear it. The walls, the house, the neighbors, my little innocent self that was sitting on the floor and stroking the new kittens.
My mother admitted the photo album that I had given her for her birthday, in the closet and shrugged his shoulders. 'Visit' him. "

" Will I, "I answered slowly and I saw my younger looking face, as she looked at me with a blank look.

How Can I Tell If My Ring Is Silver

33rd Look forward

"At some point I will really die."

"Eventually we all die."

"I will die before you."

"And when we sleep easy at some point along peacefully? "

" will not as long as I survive, I fear. "

" ... "

" Give me your hand. "

" You're so cold. "

" You are so warm. "

"I was so afraid. Yesterday, I mean. I had huge anxiety. "

" You're the only reason that keeps me here, you know? "

" But go you wanted. "

" I will still go. "

" ... "

"Are you crying?"

"Have you seen me cry ever?"

"You cry often. Because of me. "

" Because I'm afraid. "

" I want to fly into the sky. If there is something there. "

" You are my paradise. "

" I'm absolutely nothing. I'm so sorry I hurt you forever "

" But what happened -.? That you do not feel sorry, or "

" No "

" Why are you crying "

" Because.? Do you still believe in me. "

6 Months Old Goldfish

32nd Undesirable

The lion pulled the newly lit cigarette from his mouth and puffed it himself instead. "You've just expressed the other," he said with a reproachful look. I looked at him briefly, to protest, but when I noticed that we are interested in watching his mother, smiled I have a disgustingly sweet smile, nodded quickly and leaned back.

His mother did not like me. He pushed her behavior to the rage of having lost her only son to another woman. Of course it was not that they had never hate me.

One half of my childhood was determined by my broken family, the other half I spent with the lions on deserted playgrounds, in his large room between three tons of toys, or on the road that ran through our neighborhood.

The breaking hot summer danced around our heads as we relish our ice cream and sucking on the white sun lounger in the always tidy and well kept garden of his family home sat and giggled occurred to us terribly grown up, when we swear words - very quietly - under our breath muttered, without really knowing what they meant.

He had just had a birthday - in front of one, two, maybe three weeks - and the action figure, which had bought my mother for him in my name, had it always in his hand and reminded me that each day with it as he had me down for a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, we have but our new dream couple," his father said then, laughing, and my mother, who by had the many wine already reddened cheeks, was also broken out in a shy smile, while we children screened with disgusted faces.

"We do not want to rush things", had added his mother with a serious look and I rudely painted over his head, "I do not think that will fit two per together."

As a child I had nodded eagerly, was got up and had me thrown into the lap of my mother. Much later I realized what they wanted to really say - that I would never fit him that he would never choose for myself.

In that Last summer, in which he told me with childlike thin voice how much he was looking forward to the school came to his mother in a long, colorful, sleeveless dress to us and asked if I had to because to stay for dinner or if I still went home.

"Can not she stay with us," said the lion loud and clung to the figure in its little hands. " Please, please, please, please ?

" No, she can not, "his mother replied simply turned around and did not notice the rude gesture that made her son in her direction.

tore the clatter of dishes from my thoughts and I looked to the lions - have grown much bigger, much nicer and much still childlike - next to me.

"I am glad however that you have your degree now," said his father-friendly and poked listlessly around in his salad, "and that too very well."

"Thanks," I replied - was sitting in my head I am still on the swing and watched the action figure in the hands of the lions that now surrounded my rights, "is probably have been quite good that I am at that time remained seated. Otherwise the result would now become more catastrophic. "

" And what you going to do with your life? "asked his mother and I felt by the tone in her voice strangely attacked.

"studying" I answered quietly ignored, the snorting of their direction and cast a glance to the lion, seeking help, who sighed loudly.

"Can you please stop, they always attack from the side," he snapped, "honest, this is total crap from you."

"What? It separates you, you're devastated, you come back together, everything is going well - then you do divorce, you're devastated, you come back together. You can not really expect me to find the good. "She ignored her husband, who grabbed her wrist and shook it off impatiently. "I've really considered long enough and what I see, I do not just exhilarating."

The lion was silent for a moment. I was nauseated, hot and cold at once and I stared at the door and looked in my mind a chance to jump as soon as possible and just run away. This tightness in the chest is increased, it felt as their concerns about an icy cold hand would be thrown, which closed around my heart. I reached for my wine glass and washed the last bit down in one gulp.

"You know," he finally said with a husky voice and I could see the suppressed rage in his eyes, usually so warm, "you must not find this exhilarating. Actually, it's me even give a damn how do you find it. If you hate it, fine, hate them. I believe, based on reciprocity then anyway. But you're otherwise always so keen on good behavior and the values and norms of the society. - Hold it up at least myself a bit to it and treat your guests accordingly without them constantly reinzuwürgen subliminally something "

swept a wave of silence by the space and brought even the unspoken words in her eyes silenced. The rest of the evening was calm - forced friendliness on their side, soft restraint on my dazed.

little later, he accompanied me home. I staggered suspect and he put his arm around my waist to support me. "It's totally cliche, you know?" I mumbled, "Your mother hates me, your father likes me, I'm in love with my best friend I've known since my childhood."

"You are with me. For the past two years. Not with my mother. "

I chuckled. "I think your mother and not attractive to many Thanks. "His gaze wandered to the stars above us, the hidden by the clouds were and still I watched as they shone in his eyes and shivered and gave birth to new life. "I think I fit with you do not really clean anyway. I mean, you are all so obsessed with family and great and I'm me. "I belched. ". And I think I'm a bit drunk and you always unhappy"

'. Red' is not that shit "The lion looked back to me and his eyes sparkled still so beautiful that I wanted to touch him - I stroked his cheek numb. "You make me happy."

"But also unhappy, right?"

"Sometimes." Shrug. Sigh. "But outweighs the number of happy moments."

"I do not deserve it. Do not not not your love and your faithfulness and your not promise. You are so, so, so valuable and I'm gone so terribly "tears in my eyes and suddenly my esophagus high - and two seconds later, I vomited into the nearest bush.

As we stood outside my front door - and I felt even worse than before - he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then on the forehead, before he said quietly, "No idea who persuades you that - or why do you convince yourself that you - but stop to think that. You are wonderful. "

" You're cheesy. "

" You're drunk. "

" You got me just now kissing on the mouth, even though I smell of vomit. "

" You do with your mouth still ... all other things "

" You're stupid "

" You too "

I to shut the door, staggering entered the hall - it smelled, as always, of roses - and waved him one more time to . "Because of you I feel sometimes still alive, you know? "

He smiled and opened the door of his car. "Drink your sleep, and go no more."

"I'll try."

The attempt failed.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wilton Gum Pastecontain Gluten?

31st Rabbit hunting

you believe in the red-painted fingernails of fate that attracts many colorful threads of our lives so well everything has a reason, a meaning in the universe, a task that no matter how small . Everything seems to be woven together, everything seems connected to each other - so hooked into each other, as we were right from the start. Fate - because if you only believe in it - we had together, led us to each other, we made one.

I had never believed in fate. The fact that we - because some, not tangible events - suddenly found themselves in a much more complicated relationships than we previously did was a pure coincidence, a happy coincidence of their suffering, my desire and love.

When her lover was a sadist. The hell they had created from his broken bed springs, you breathed into his dead breath. If they waived the physical pain, she waited like a spider spit in their system to me words like poison in the mouth to the eyes, in my heart.

She was the personification of hate, if she loved. But hatred was good, hatred was passion, and passion was contagious than a flu virus.

The lion was deaf, blind and dumb. "If it makes you happy," he said one evening with a half-hearted smile and exchanged a glance with the Queen, who was sitting opposite with her legs spread on the sofa and grinned sucked on a cocktail.

He kept her away, I swore allegiance and I clung to her as something in me laughed at him that he was so used to the idea of a stable relationship, clinging somewhere on the idea of a large family of small, outside the big city, which killed me every day and to life.

I hated that I kind of thought about him. I hated him for having me so much wanted and loved. I earned nothing at all. The Queen was right. Did they ever. Why I ever doubted it?

"You taste like sunrise," she said with a serious face and let her tongue slowly across the corrosive slide tattoo on my thigh, "after a beautiful golden sunrise."

"You taste like brownies. Sometimes, "I replied," after which the dark brown liquid Core. You taste just after. Do you think that there are brownies with strawberry flavor? "I stared at her. Her eyes were pupils. My probably is. "I like strawberries and I'm not shit so warm."

The Queen giggled, blew through my hair. ". Very, very many butterflies, very many butterflies"

Something in me wanted me to Hendrix's Purple Haze the best were - and I did it without thought, while those pesky butterflies in my hair, my ears and my nostrils distribution.

"tickles me in everything," she said, laughing, laughed again and stroked my cheek, "you look like through a kaleidoscope."

I kept humming. Reaching for the stars burned me in them, watched as they crumbled to dust, and gently kissed the ground, met with him in a violent embrace, with him were one, fused, melted, melted.

"You know what?" Her black hair fell into my face and with her hair, three tons of feathers and the smell of apricots. "You know what? My baby? The bad, bad powder has killed it. The evil powder. "

I found that funny, so I laughed. She laughed with me. "Funny," she said softly, "funny. I always thought that small children like magic powder. "

" Maybe it was just a wimp. "

" Maybe it's kicked the bucket by a nosebleed. "

We laughed again. It was incredibly easy. She was incredibly easy. I was incredibly easy. My head, oh, my head, my body ...

"Now you stay thin and can eat as many butterflies as you like," I added, humming again. She was humming to briefly and began to laugh again, "You know what? You know what? I believe that you will kill him and you through the bad powder. "

. But he should be suffocated, the stupid asshole "I spit the word with such disgust on the ground that the individual characters left stains on the carpet - blood red, blood red, blood red. "But what do I do then, so lonely, so lonely? I think I can not live without him. "

Then elapsed hours. Perhaps only minutes or seconds. Precious time. The world was bright and beautiful. She spat pink hearts and chocolate pieces on my stomach, I threw up neon green lightness in the sky.

"If he's gone" - her voice sounded like the stormy sea - "then there is you" - and her fingers dug into my white breast, pressed relentlessly on the strawberry, it squeezed out - "and me. Only us. And the arms of Snow White. "

I laughed. She laughed. We were easy. Then she sat up, put his hand in the flying Medusa hair and whispered: "I think I'm on a trip."

"good idea" - it was all over me about "
Ride it out
." , above her, above the sky, above the ground, above me, above me. And then we were no longer two but one, hunted together behind the white rabbit.

Funny Sayings Aboutjumping

30th In the triangle

fog in your head, fog in your heart - you still remember it, my small but good lamb? In their sonnets, their symphonies, their songs in your ears, in your veins, in your soul?

you remember about how he was still by your side and listened to the novels of your endless love? It was never wrong, right? None of this was wrong, none of this was true, none of this was in a tangible sphere.

She was so broken, so lost, so very tired with life, the destiny of their own history - and filled it from you. Filled all places with their hatred, with its bitter-tasting passion of love they did not know.

He was so blinded, so much in addiction, so very lonely next to you, your desire, your love, your helplessness - and he owned up. With skin and hair, and each little pore. Completed up. Did you. Loved you. Held up repeatedly on the legs.

had what can be wrong with all this? What could have been so destructive to all this, so hurtful, can be so apocalyptic, my lamb, what?

were And then there's you, you remember? The head of this evil triangle. Right they, the heat, somewhere hidden under the Layers of indifference. The brightest planet in the universe. One, two heart beats, blast, floral fragrance. He left the prince on his white horse, somewhere hidden among dense hair. The love of your life. Dive feeling in the stomach, a hurricane, a tornado.

And then you know you remember? And then thou indecision. Questions in your little head. Questions and questions and then the dense fog. Oh, this triangle, this terrible triangle. What would

to all this can be really, my lamb, what?

How Does A Football Pool Chart Work

29th Sometimes

"Poor, poor baby," I whispered in her ear, "poor, . poor baby "you said nothing was upset by little, encouraged not to - did not even seem to breathe. Her eyes hung in the air, somewhere between me and eternity. Resigned. Her body cold as my lips gently over her mound slid over her belly, between her legs. folded "So lost, so lost," I whispered, "Sun lost in this big world." Their long legs

automatically. When they were already used to this game. Pretend ob probably knew the game better than I would ever know. I shook my head. Of course they knew it. Of course, of course, course.

"My poor, poor baby," I said then, this time louder and she stared at me, "so lost, so helpless." I was back on her, my mouth close to her. ". Under him, in all, including me "

stirred behind her eyes a bit - the fire that I loved so, the anger, I wanted to feel, like the biting, which was basically nothing more than the desire to replace something that had been torn from her - and suddenly she turned to us, sat on me and said, "Where you belong then? Where is your place? are loved Do you really think that you love? "It freed her hair from the hair band, falling in waves to her shoulders. "Wanted Do you really think you deserve to be loved, to become?"

"Tust you it?"


"I have." Missed

me an ear. "No, you do not. Not even a little bit. And the least you deserve me. "
We looked hungry in the eye. She purred smugly, freed from her top, threw it carelessly into the corner, leaned down to me. "What are you thinking when you fuck you senseless ? Do you believe in me? "

" Think I think about you? replied, "I whisper, held out my mouth, but she moved her head away, grinning.

"I think to you?"

"Tust du"

"You're lying."

"Sometimes" "No." - and she let her fingers wander over me, fumbled in my pants reached into her, let her hips circling and circling and circling - ". Sometimes I lie"

"I love you," I said, and gasped, "I love him. My place is with you. With him. With you. "
" With you " she repeated, biting into my flesh, "with you. With you. With you. "

I giggled when we kissed at last and I giggled as they sliding down on me and I giggled as they tell me again bite, hit, scratched and the giggles turned into loud groans, sighs, as we the world forgot about us at last.

The lion sat on the chair on the other side of the room, lurking, seemed to growl and the most beautiful brown eyes I ever saw were hundreds of thousands of fireworks.