Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Can Gallblladder Make U Feel Like U Have The Flu

has one hour really 60 minutes?

So I do not know. I think ... at least not now!

Every day I am taking before creating sooo much and then it's bedtime again ... and what I did?

Today, for example.

quarter to nine I was awake. My husband took bread from the bakery and newspaper and then for the first time breakfast was announced with great newspaper show. I read "PICTURE", my GG the "Hürriyet". The every day as thick as the "Welt am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday. With my newspaper, I'm usually done quickly, and I have my messages in the course www. . Read Today I now limited to 15 min. Otherwise come
I since from one side to the other and dispersal me completely.

But it did not rain, no, even the sun peeked through the clouds.
ideal bike weather. I had to buy an urgent appointment at the "village" and do a little bit. Down it always goes really fast. You can leave curl.

Cozy enjoying the good weather, I did so all the roads and packed my bike with the purchases. Then comes the hard part: it is slowly but steadily up the mountain.
Ideal for a short-lived thickness. As always have to make breaks and air are taken.
Somehow I manage yet again to get home. Bathed in sweat
and completely finished then first urgent need of relief.

The sun still shines and it would be really ideal weather for the green wool to photograph.

But the already highly acclaimed by Mo Part 1 of "The Pillars of the Earth" is waiting to photograph me and I can even run after that. Said and done. Quickly cooked some more coffee, and one each custard onto the plate, because by now it's 13.15 clock, and then captivates us the Dark Ages just under 2 hours.

Now it's become quite gray, photo light more. First look what is new on the net! All forums and the favorite blogs to read, possibly answer and it's dark, and as an old Depri is my motivation now at zero%.
addition, dinner time!
Then it's back to the computer. What would you be doing at the time? So we look first in the forums. Here's a new name is searched, there is shown the latest knitting patterns and the blog of xyz just tells a hair-raising story.

put Completely shocked, I found that: (all really!) It's 21.18 CET Clock!

Now it's not worth even more to start something, because tomorrow is another day and then I'll start but at the same early!




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