Sunday, October 31, 2010

Koleston Perfect Colour Online Chart

FPS limiter

FPS limiter? What is it?
How safe everyone knows, there are the so-called "Frames Per Second [FPS] so frames per second. From about 25 it looks like this for our eyes as if what we see Liquid (flip). The same goes for games, starting 25, you can comfortably play. Each of the example with Fraps or ATI Tools can see the FPS remembers: I have more than 25 FPS? Sure, if the graphics card that can, then she goes out everything goes. For too many FPS it can lead to the so-called tearing, ie you can see look like lines on the screen as the video error. We have two Problems: first
Our graphics card works more than it needs -> more power consumption
second > There are two possibilities Unsexy
now take action against them - Tearing:
The first is its V-Sync enabled, so the vertical synchronization of the images. This prevents tearing and your FPS are at most as high as the Bilderwiederholrate of your screen. Ie 60, 75, or whatever. But is still too much.
The second is the V-Sync "forces" to use a FPS limiter. That you will get here . It now opens the FPS_Limiter_GUI.jar (Java must be installed), press the "Search executable" and seeks the path of your game, Max FPS can give her to 30 (Trial and error!) Approve, click the "bat create" and boom you have eg for Sacred 2 is a "" which you just have to run yet and have limited the tool your FPS on 30th Important: make anti-cheat systems, this is detected, so it is best to use only offline.
That's it, you have successfully relieves your graphics card and reduced tearing, enjoy!


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