Friday, December 31, 2010
Male Waxing In Canton Ohio
is almost over. For many years the first time I have noticed at the end: That was not so bad! It was a good thing as it was!
On the whole, the situation is as modest as in recent years and up to the end of our life. And yet I feel that life worth living. I need to do anything, I can or should do something.
Each day can be a beautiful day, when I want him to do.
I am pleased with the snowflakes and the blackbirds, the fight is the raisins. About my cat. About my children and grandchildren.
All are healthy and well advised, and do not really need me. But if one needs the other, he knows what he can do.
I am immersed in the blogger world and got to know something completely new.
This is a world in which there is no boredom and no loneliness. When I need contact or help and search, I find the one or the other or both. I do not want to be disturbed, I can be invisible and still participate in community life.
When I think, I note that happened this year, much is. However, without coercion, without hassle. I met new people, friends found, changed me. A lot has happened and I feel good no more like a long time. I've had in months, no depression. I just feel really good.
I wish to thank. Above all, you had the Mon catalyst and has exposed with gentle pressure my skills again. Thanks Mo!
But I have also met a lot of other people and a small part of it even in person at Eschwege. I'm looking forward to the next time, because come together as a couple of very special people and really have fun.
Thank you for the hours on the dog bed!
In less than two hours starts the new year.
I ask no more: Oh .. oh, what it will probably bring back?
I take each day as it comes and begin right around twelve of them.
given a stolen motto:
If you will, that the year is successful, you have to start on January 1 with it.
Gets along well over to 2011!
Until then! Knuddelz! Mieke!
Inexpensive Murphy Bed
Redsn0w 0.9.7 BETA
Redsn0w for the A4-chip devices, works wonderfully so far only for the Mac, why not a tutorial. Otherwise, there is a functioning untethered Jailbreak, which also works to play music.
Redsn0w for the A4-chip devices, works wonderfully so far only for the Mac, why not a tutorial. Otherwise, there is a functioning untethered Jailbreak, which also works to play music.
For people that the English are powerful here's a video of dino zambas:
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Psr Yamaha Cubase Usb Midi
Borderlands GotY Uncut? Untethered
All of you know in Germany, one buys Borderlands, installed it and - > cut! For those who are without it GotY so a patch ( here), but in which the most will have the GotY the DLC4 not with the patch. What helps? Man "concerned" Pegi is a DVD and installed it, the patches and DLC of the so-called Worldwide variant are linked below (offi. directly to the left). After that you get all DLCs can play legal (thanks to copy protection of Dt. Pegi not need the version) and it's Uncut!
links for the patches and DLC Worldwide:
Patch 1.41
DLC1, The Zombie of Iceland Dr. Ned
DLC2, Mad Moxxi's Under Dome Riot
DLC3, The Secret of General Armory Knoxx
DLC4, Claptraps New Robot Revolution
All of you know in Germany, one buys Borderlands, installed it and - > cut! For those who are without it GotY so a patch ( here), but in which the most will have the GotY the DLC4 not with the patch. What helps? Man "concerned" Pegi is a DVD and installed it, the patches and DLC of the so-called Worldwide variant are linked below (offi. directly to the left). After that you get all DLCs can play legal (thanks to copy protection of Dt. Pegi not need the version) and it's Uncut!
links for the patches and DLC Worldwide:
Patch 1.41
DLC1, The Zombie of Iceland Dr. Ned
DLC2, Mad Moxxi's Under Dome Riot
DLC3, The Secret of General Armory Knoxx
DLC4, Claptraps New Robot Revolution
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Can You Install Fsx On More Than One Pc
4.2.1 Jailbreak 4.2.1 Warning
Redsn0w 0.9.7 test version for the Mac Do not use unless you can hereby life
-Does not play music
-No Bluetooth
The reason I'm not a tutorial is unique, which makes little sense.
but if someone do the jailbreak, he works with the iPad, iPod Touch and the iPhone 4 4G.
Redsn0w 0.9.7 test version for the Mac Do not use unless you can hereby life
-Does not play music
-No Bluetooth
The reason I'm not a tutorial is unique, which makes little sense.
but if someone do the jailbreak, he works with the iPad, iPod Touch and the iPhone 4 4G.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
1989 19 Foot Wellcraft Boat Bumper
28th Rewind - stop - play
There are many moments that I have stuck in my head, scenarios that I even can play for years to such an old video before my eyes again and again, every single little detail as sharp as a knife, every emotion pulsing in motley colors, each movement, the seemingly unimportant act always the same.
My earliest memory goes back years and yet I find myself, when I close my eyes and just think, again in our time as simply furnished living room, sitting on the floor and playing with an old teddy bear in a green dress I had put my mother. The air smells of roses, burnt food, crackling wood in the fireplace, which does not burn a long time.
It's just after Easter. Right next to the TV are unopened letters from relatives, halbaufgegessene chocolate chips, an inverted, broken picture frames, the still has not replaced or repaired. Outside, there is heat, perhaps even a gentle pre-summer heat. The house is cold - at least I am shaking like a wet dog.
My mother and my father - in my child's perception still falls head over heels, but maybe they were not in a long time - bow down to me stress me gently on the red-blond hair and spoke with a feather-light voice with me. I smile, I laugh and they laugh with me.
you bring me a hairy, small, even tiny creatures. It is striped meows, sluggish, tired looks and stares at me with a curious look. "The kitten is now yours," says my father and I take care of the teddy bear from his hand. The cat and I look long into the eyes, just watching us fall in love a little.
Shortly thereafter, a different picture before my eyes that has to do with the previous memory hardly anything. There are years between them. The cat is in my lap purring, softly and nudges me to stop.
insignificant, unimportant, insignificant and yet so clear. Then a different feeling - while the same - just another movie in my overcrowded Head, which is always a self-employed.
I pulled out the black marker and drew a heart on her bare, flat stomach. The legs of the Queen dangled loosely over the bed, she swung her arms in a trance over her head from side to side, not even begin to match the rhythm of the song, which ran for two hours on repeat.
"Done," I cried enthusiastically, looked at the small work of art that I had perpetuated on her body and then he pressed a light kiss on her navel. "Maybe you're lucky, the color seeps through and your baby comes with a rainbow on the front to the world."
"It is beautiful even without the rainbow, "she said süßlächelnd," is finally half my Genhaufen. "
" Are you afraid? "
" Of what? Before Mama shit, "she asked, her hands and lowered his clasped together over her stomach. I nodded in response. "I do not know. Yes. No. Maybe. I still have time get used to it. A lot of time. Eternal time. "
" How do you say? Time flies like the only way. "Listening to your regular breath, I leaned back and closed his eyes for a few seconds. "I think you'll be a good mother."
"You think so?"
"I'm actually pretty sure." Her smile was so radiant that I could perceive it even through the closed eyelid. "And if you're mom, then we heard on the whole crap, okay? I mean, with the alcohol, the tilting, the drugs and parties. "
" we are. Together. "She put on my burning cigarette, which was resting in the ashtray and then pressed it, the smoke from blowing out. "We should probably just stop now with everything."
"You think so?"
"I think so."
"Then ... Today is the last time, yes? From tomorrow we are clean and sober and smoke-free. "
cackled The Queen. "This all sounds easy. And beautiful. "Stabbing your eyes met mine. "And we create this, we always manage everything, right? . We are warriors, "
course we both knew that we told each other tales - fairy tale in which there were princes on white horses, their cheerfully silly princesses from the tower, the one-eyed witch liberated. Of course, we both knew that any of us was ready for it to leave the dark forest and heroes to be. But we - somewhere in the head, in mind, the heart still sleepy little children who clung to her new kitten or the new Barbie doll - believed only to happy to magic forests, magic, of optimism, of happy ends, glittering colorful tales.
your black-painted finger nails painted invisible circles, triangles, letters and stories of undying love in my neck as I said the powder in small lines on her stomach and then pulled through the nose.
No noticeable cut. No black screen. No background music. No nervous protagonist. No Hollywood. No fairy tale. No prince. No princess. No truth. No idylls. No utopias. No end.
I was sitting at the end of a bed with orange linen. The room furnishings sparse. The white walls bare, not covered with pictures of anonymous musicians. Silence. Biting silence. Suffocating silence. Poisonous silence.
The fox stood with folded arms in the doorway. "Do you drink?"
"No, thank you," I answered quietly, anxiously, "but'll kill her, perhaps some tea."
He nodded, looked terribly tense, then disappeared in the corridor had to leave us alone . The queen sat silently - pale, almost green in the face - on the bed, her legs drawn to her body, her eyes clouded-resistant, cold, disapproving of not weeping tears. ". I do not want tea"
"You have not eaten anything today, he said - and yesterday apparently little," I replied, still quiet, still anxious, "You need your strength and" When I saw that they no longer listened, I broke off the sentence and put my hands in his lap, sighed loudly.
I felt relieved remarkable remarkably well and the visit along with the fake compassion bit bored me so much that my conscience, according to things in his ear, in his head, roared into the heart. Things that I was clear. Things that I knew that they should offend and confuse me. Things which I do not care.
The fox came back shortly afterwards with a cup of tea brühendheißem. The Queen did not look up once.
In the kitchen I was sitting opposite him at the little table and smoked chain. "I wish I could help her in some way - be a support, be an anchor," he said with a deep sad voice - I would almost laugh, "but they can not I ran itself. Maybe we should both be finished somehow. "
" You can not tell me that you dream you have ideas about a suburban house with a dog house and swing you had pushed in the garden, "I replied," abortion is normal. You will come across about it and you too. "
" We had just got, you know? "He looked at me and looked right through me. "In a better future. For me, for them, for us. New beginning. On a baby. On our baby. "
home I knelt before the bar and drowned my joy that I lose that I do not stay alone, lying in the dirt, and anything else that I would have a long time in alcohol. I got drunk and stoned and drunk and puke and puke and stoned me - until I was empty inside and forgot the fact that it probably was probably just in her bed and wept violently, her whole body trembling, shaking, dancing to the rhythm of their songs.
eject cartridge.
My earliest memory goes back years and yet I find myself, when I close my eyes and just think, again in our time as simply furnished living room, sitting on the floor and playing with an old teddy bear in a green dress I had put my mother. The air smells of roses, burnt food, crackling wood in the fireplace, which does not burn a long time.
It's just after Easter. Right next to the TV are unopened letters from relatives, halbaufgegessene chocolate chips, an inverted, broken picture frames, the still has not replaced or repaired. Outside, there is heat, perhaps even a gentle pre-summer heat. The house is cold - at least I am shaking like a wet dog.
My mother and my father - in my child's perception still falls head over heels, but maybe they were not in a long time - bow down to me stress me gently on the red-blond hair and spoke with a feather-light voice with me. I smile, I laugh and they laugh with me.
you bring me a hairy, small, even tiny creatures. It is striped meows, sluggish, tired looks and stares at me with a curious look. "The kitten is now yours," says my father and I take care of the teddy bear from his hand. The cat and I look long into the eyes, just watching us fall in love a little.
Shortly thereafter, a different picture before my eyes that has to do with the previous memory hardly anything. There are years between them. The cat is in my lap purring, softly and nudges me to stop.
insignificant, unimportant, insignificant and yet so clear. Then a different feeling - while the same - just another movie in my overcrowded Head, which is always a self-employed.
I pulled out the black marker and drew a heart on her bare, flat stomach. The legs of the Queen dangled loosely over the bed, she swung her arms in a trance over her head from side to side, not even begin to match the rhythm of the song, which ran for two hours on repeat.
"Done," I cried enthusiastically, looked at the small work of art that I had perpetuated on her body and then he pressed a light kiss on her navel. "Maybe you're lucky, the color seeps through and your baby comes with a rainbow on the front to the world."
"It is beautiful even without the rainbow, "she said süßlächelnd," is finally half my Genhaufen. "
" Are you afraid? "
" Of what? Before Mama shit, "she asked, her hands and lowered his clasped together over her stomach. I nodded in response. "I do not know. Yes. No. Maybe. I still have time get used to it. A lot of time. Eternal time. "
" How do you say? Time flies like the only way. "Listening to your regular breath, I leaned back and closed his eyes for a few seconds. "I think you'll be a good mother."
"You think so?"
"I'm actually pretty sure." Her smile was so radiant that I could perceive it even through the closed eyelid. "And if you're mom, then we heard on the whole crap, okay? I mean, with the alcohol, the tilting, the drugs and parties. "
" we are. Together. "She put on my burning cigarette, which was resting in the ashtray and then pressed it, the smoke from blowing out. "We should probably just stop now with everything."
"You think so?"
"I think so."
"Then ... Today is the last time, yes? From tomorrow we are clean and sober and smoke-free. "
cackled The Queen. "This all sounds easy. And beautiful. "Stabbing your eyes met mine. "And we create this, we always manage everything, right? . We are warriors, "
course we both knew that we told each other tales - fairy tale in which there were princes on white horses, their cheerfully silly princesses from the tower, the one-eyed witch liberated. Of course, we both knew that any of us was ready for it to leave the dark forest and heroes to be. But we - somewhere in the head, in mind, the heart still sleepy little children who clung to her new kitten or the new Barbie doll - believed only to happy to magic forests, magic, of optimism, of happy ends, glittering colorful tales.
your black-painted finger nails painted invisible circles, triangles, letters and stories of undying love in my neck as I said the powder in small lines on her stomach and then pulled through the nose.
No noticeable cut. No black screen. No background music. No nervous protagonist. No Hollywood. No fairy tale. No prince. No princess. No truth. No idylls. No utopias. No end.
I was sitting at the end of a bed with orange linen. The room furnishings sparse. The white walls bare, not covered with pictures of anonymous musicians. Silence. Biting silence. Suffocating silence. Poisonous silence.
The fox stood with folded arms in the doorway. "Do you drink?"
"No, thank you," I answered quietly, anxiously, "but'll kill her, perhaps some tea."
He nodded, looked terribly tense, then disappeared in the corridor had to leave us alone . The queen sat silently - pale, almost green in the face - on the bed, her legs drawn to her body, her eyes clouded-resistant, cold, disapproving of not weeping tears. ". I do not want tea"
"You have not eaten anything today, he said - and yesterday apparently little," I replied, still quiet, still anxious, "You need your strength and" When I saw that they no longer listened, I broke off the sentence and put my hands in his lap, sighed loudly.
I felt relieved remarkable remarkably well and the visit along with the fake compassion bit bored me so much that my conscience, according to things in his ear, in his head, roared into the heart. Things that I was clear. Things that I knew that they should offend and confuse me. Things which I do not care.
The fox came back shortly afterwards with a cup of tea brühendheißem. The Queen did not look up once.
In the kitchen I was sitting opposite him at the little table and smoked chain. "I wish I could help her in some way - be a support, be an anchor," he said with a deep sad voice - I would almost laugh, "but they can not I ran itself. Maybe we should both be finished somehow. "
" You can not tell me that you dream you have ideas about a suburban house with a dog house and swing you had pushed in the garden, "I replied," abortion is normal. You will come across about it and you too. "
" We had just got, you know? "He looked at me and looked right through me. "In a better future. For me, for them, for us. New beginning. On a baby. On our baby. "
home I knelt before the bar and drowned my joy that I lose that I do not stay alone, lying in the dirt, and anything else that I would have a long time in alcohol. I got drunk and stoned and drunk and puke and puke and stoned me - until I was empty inside and forgot the fact that it probably was probably just in her bed and wept violently, her whole body trembling, shaking, dancing to the rhythm of their songs.
eject cartridge.
Flight Simulator X Brakes
27th Sky kisses
He put the jacket on my shoulders and gave me a short, gentle kiss. The taste of fear and despair was at my Palate hang. "What should I do just about you?
"I love it. Want me. Me. Make me happy. Hold me - keep me. Let me never to go again. "passed on, two seconds, during which I laughed briefly and then with a small flame in the eyes looked up to him. "Fuck me?"
He showed no reaction to my answer. His hands rested on my cold arms, his eyes on my soul. "What should I do just with you?" He repeated, this time more to himself than to me.
I chuckled and swung gently from right to left.
I danced in the rain. Turned aimlessly about myself exuberance from left to right. Greeted the invisible orchestra. Bowed to the audience. Laughed. Loud. Over and over again. Everything was foggy and wet and dry and clear and high and low and fast and slow.
The lion rolled the car window down, raised an eyebrow. "Are you crazy?"
"Is that a trick question?"
"Please come into the car," he pleaded, "you will get sick."
"I do not care," I cried, "you do come out . It is just so beautiful. "
He seemed to struggle with himself, hesitated a few seconds was before he turned off the engine and got out of the car. His hands he held, in a pathetic attempt to protect himself against the icy cold rain water over his head, ran to me and then pulled his jacket like a tent over us both. I had to giggle.
"I 'm already wet anyway, "said I wrapped my arms around his neck, stood on tiptoe and kissed him once, twice, three times," Besides, I have made the earlier times. This Rumgetanze. This silly chanting. In the rain. In the snow. In the heat. Everywhere. "
" You're crazy, "he murmured, but it gave me a big smile. The lion looked me straight in the eye - and then his face suddenly serious. "What are you? Your pupils'
"I'm high on you." My voice was just a light touch, a little gust of wind that smelled disgusting peppermint candy. I wanted to kiss him - passionate, demanding, hot, stormy, intimate - but he pulled his head away. "Do not be such a fucking philistine," I muttered, "relax. It's me. You want me yet. "
" I love you and that is exactly the reason why I "
" Ssh see, thou you love me, I love you. "Cautiously I stroked his cheek. "And, you know I love myself. And the world. And pistachio ice cream. And "
The lion rolled the car window down, raised an eyebrow. "Are you crazy?"
"Is that a trick question?"
"Please come into the car," he pleaded, "you will get sick."
"I do not care," I cried, "you do come out . It is just so beautiful. "
He seemed to struggle with himself, hesitated a few seconds was before he turned off the engine and got out of the car. His hands he held, in a pathetic attempt to protect himself against the icy cold rain water over his head, ran to me and then pulled his jacket like a tent over us both. I had to giggle.
"I 'm already wet anyway, "said I wrapped my arms around his neck, stood on tiptoe and kissed him once, twice, three times," Besides, I have made the earlier times. This Rumgetanze. This silly chanting. In the rain. In the snow. In the heat. Everywhere. "
" You're crazy, "he murmured, but it gave me a big smile. The lion looked me straight in the eye - and then his face suddenly serious. "What are you? Your pupils'
"I'm high on you." My voice was just a light touch, a little gust of wind that smelled disgusting peppermint candy. I wanted to kiss him - passionate, demanding, hot, stormy, intimate - but he pulled his head away. "Do not be such a fucking philistine," I muttered, "relax. It's me. You want me yet. "
" I love you and that is exactly the reason why I "
" Ssh see, thou you love me, I love you. "Cautiously I stroked his cheek. "And, you know I love myself. And the world. And pistachio ice cream. And "
He put the jacket on my shoulders and gave me a short, gentle kiss. The taste of fear and despair was at my Palate hang. "What should I do just about you?
"I love it. Want me. Me. Make me happy. Hold me - keep me. Let me never to go again. "passed on, two seconds, during which I laughed briefly and then with a small flame in the eyes looked up to him. "Fuck me?"
He showed no reaction to my answer. His hands rested on my cold arms, his eyes on my soul. "What should I do just with you?" He repeated, this time more to himself than to me.
I chuckled and swung gently from right to left.
Bottomlee Bathing Suit
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
How To Tell If A Aqua Master Is Real
Post in a forum
The best golf is the easy-going. With little effort, good coverage, with slow movements of the ball as if by magic is carried through the air, the envy of the players is to recognize the changing complexion.
My swing has to but under extreme conditions - with disturbing flight partner tournaments [I am very vulnerable to Energieabsaugern], special tournaments such as Club Championships, Mid Am Championship and Match Play, Match Play Championship, etc. - work. swing
All attempts to "easily" maintained, by special tournaments not stand.
all attempts "to einzuspielen locker" and then to stand at the tee 1, and fully on it to thresh went wrong. Is not the loose. And it need not be, because at the slightest disturbance, is a little something "not loose" already equated with poor results.
I have in my time as a golfer (since 11/2003) has now played 240 tournaments and have come to the following result.
- The difference between playing loose and not quite as loose play is fatal. play
The difference between fixed and can not play quite as strong low and the score does not suffer when you're used to playing with great body tension and no "looseness" to allow.
My Basics:
- > Links weak grip, but may left thumb on the right than
> left knee should move from first movement with. (Hip is the first 45 ° with shoulders.)
> right leg will be charged on the rise more than the left. To begin
> In OT short "pause" to give the body time, with the downturn and too little to walk before.
> Strong pull the left hip in the backswing in order to turn the body a greater degree.
> right foot early on purpose to solve the ground and grind foot on the top, so I'm sure the timing used to have because:
> thought during the downturn of the shaft FLEX to feel. will
> pressing on the handle, because remaining clubs.
> The speed of the arms is much faster than the HG!
> entwinkeln No premature by rapid arms!
> The hitters break the stem, shortly after the TDC, under control ... This thought is my power drive!
> handle must move in the hand no mm. Very tightly!
The golf swing is designed so that the club goes through by itself. (Kommt. ..) No thought of soft, loose or otherwise supported wrists. Sometimes I think if I would let loose the HG, they would break me apart. All stories have watched the example of club colleagues at the Ryder Cup, were surprised to go through as "full pot" the boys ... something where we should be amateurs orphan boys on the other hand ...
I think we are all of the slow motion shots spoiled that we do not know what power and how strong the HG are trained to transfer this energy. At normal speed you can not see that.
My workouts in the winter are always the HG and forearms, in addition to stretching exercises for the thighs and hips. The "S" is wonderful, with one hand, it takes quite neatly on the forearms.
golf swing I like to compare learning with learning a musical instrument.
Without targeted strength training will not power.
Without motor exercises no consistency. Swing 100,000!
Without space experience, Cours management and routine (stage experience) not performing well.
Enjoy the game!
Friday, December 17, 2010
What Is The Best Sport Atv
art black and white cookies
Here is the recipe:
Ingredients: 250 g butter, not too soft and not too hard,
125g icing sugar, 2 eggs, 1 vanilla sugar, 500 g flour, 1 pinch of salt 1 level
Tablespoon baking powder = ½ Pack = 6 g,
For the other 2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder to flour. Prepare a dough
The light and dark and rest over night! This dough can be very good with the food processor or blender to prepare.
Preparation: In mixing bowl, stir the butter, powder and the creamy vanilla sugar. Add the eggs and then stir vigorously. Now add the mixed flour, baking powder and work with the dough hook on to a solid lumps of dough has formed.
in plastic wrap in the refrigerator until the next day
can rest.
So! Resting the dough has had enough. Now, we
to the roll-out, cutting and pasting. Cut each dough from a piece first with the hands and knead smooth. Roll out on floured surface. I also flour the rolling pin, so nothing is sticking. But do not use too much flour, otherwise degrade the quality of the cookies.
Now cut each strip and plates in successive layers as desired. I use whisked egg white as glue, that I apply with a brush on the dough and then the next layer, etc.
addressed nice After bonding, and provide first-time cold!
The cold rolling pin into regular approximately 0.3 to 0.5 cm thick slices and place on a baking paper on baking sheet.
now about 10-12 minutes at medium heat 180 ° C bake.
DONE! Bon appetit!
I wish all readers a great 4.Advent.
Much love Mieke
Here is the recipe:
Ingredients: 250 g butter, not too soft and not too hard,
125g icing sugar, 2 eggs, 1 vanilla sugar, 500 g flour, 1 pinch of salt 1 level
Tablespoon baking powder = ½ Pack = 6 g,
For the other 2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder to flour. Prepare a dough
The light and dark and rest over night! This dough can be very good with the food processor or blender to prepare.
Preparation: In mixing bowl, stir the butter, powder and the creamy vanilla sugar. Add the eggs and then stir vigorously. Now add the mixed flour, baking powder and work with the dough hook on to a solid lumps of dough has formed.
in plastic wrap in the refrigerator until the next day
can rest.
So! Resting the dough has had enough. Now, we
to the roll-out, cutting and pasting. Cut each dough from a piece first with the hands and knead smooth. Roll out on floured surface. I also flour the rolling pin, so nothing is sticking. But do not use too much flour, otherwise degrade the quality of the cookies.

Now cut each strip and plates in successive layers as desired. I use whisked egg white as glue, that I apply with a brush on the dough and then the next layer, etc.

addressed nice After bonding, and provide first-time cold!

The cold rolling pin into regular approximately 0.3 to 0.5 cm thick slices and place on a baking paper on baking sheet.

now about 10-12 minutes at medium heat 180 ° C bake.

DONE! Bon appetit!
I wish all readers a great 4.Advent.
Much love Mieke
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Mfc-9420cn Toner Status
In the Christmas baking ...
... there are some treat
I'll tell you now my absolute favorite cookies
A simple recipe with good ingredients. Quickly made and quickly eaten up:
walnut corners
Ingredients: 125g margarine (Rama, Sanella, or similar)
250g brown sugar, 2 small eggs or 1 egg + 1 egg yolk 1 vanilla
sugar, 200g flour, baking powder, ½, 300g walnuts
Preparation: In a medium saucepan melt the margarine, stir in sugar, let cool slightly and then add the eggs. Mix together. The coarsely chopped walnuts to give ground. Stir again. Everything should happen quickly, as long as the margarine is still liquid. Now subordinate to the mixed flour, baking powder and mix well again. The dough is tough. I give the mass now in the Court's interpretation grill pan with parchment paper, about 1 - 1.5 cm high and stroke as well as possible smooth.
medium heat 20-25 minutes at 180 ° C bake.
let cool and cut into bite-size pieces (triangles, stripes cube). Decorate according to taste .
Bon appetit!
And may we all like:
black and white cookies:
But this is tomorrow Next!
you tomorrow!
Mieke says goodbye!
... there are some treat
I'll tell you now my absolute favorite cookies
A simple recipe with good ingredients. Quickly made and quickly eaten up:
walnut corners
Ingredients: 125g margarine (Rama, Sanella, or similar)
250g brown sugar, 2 small eggs or 1 egg + 1 egg yolk 1 vanilla
sugar, 200g flour, baking powder, ½, 300g walnuts
Preparation: In a medium saucepan melt the margarine, stir in sugar, let cool slightly and then add the eggs. Mix together. The coarsely chopped walnuts to give ground. Stir again. Everything should happen quickly, as long as the margarine is still liquid. Now subordinate to the mixed flour, baking powder and mix well again. The dough is tough. I give the mass now in the Court's interpretation grill pan with parchment paper, about 1 - 1.5 cm high and stroke as well as possible smooth.
medium heat 20-25 minutes at 180 ° C bake.
let cool and cut into bite-size pieces (triangles, stripes cube). Decorate according to taste .
Bon appetit!

And may we all like:
black and white cookies:

But this is tomorrow Next!
you tomorrow!
Mieke says goodbye!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Backpack Track And Field
Severe frost and thaw and severe frost ...
This winter has been really in it! Shows us even before he has even begun, what it can do.
meter high snow drifts, because the fields are situated on no more guards, even worse than usual daily train delays, because the-art electronics to function only in laboratory conditions. Even the school must
fail, because the buses with summer tires can not. There are flight cancellations, because this year the de-icing fluid is short. We have, however, said enough salt.
be what we need to, because no sooner had the surge of warm air from the South melted the snow, the frost was already there and snowing for a few hours it again. Morning reports on the radio then only the very long traffic jams, because otherwise there is no time for music.
Is this our future? Each year a long hard winter?
Is climate change, as in "The Day After Tomorrow"?
Or did not change the weather, but man? More and more
engineered without considering the reality?
I think we've changed, but not learned a lot.
morning looks
it again as it did on 9:12:10. Knows everything wonderful!
Hopefully a long time. For as long as it remains frosty, I am running the water is not down to the wall.
Until the day
This winter has been really in it! Shows us even before he has even begun, what it can do.
meter high snow drifts, because the fields are situated on no more guards, even worse than usual daily train delays, because the-art electronics to function only in laboratory conditions. Even the school must
fail, because the buses with summer tires can not. There are flight cancellations, because this year the de-icing fluid is short. We have, however, said enough salt.
be what we need to, because no sooner had the surge of warm air from the South melted the snow, the frost was already there and snowing for a few hours it again. Morning reports on the radio then only the very long traffic jams, because otherwise there is no time for music.
Is this our future? Each year a long hard winter?
Is climate change, as in "The Day After Tomorrow"?
Or did not change the weather, but man? More and more
engineered without considering the reality?
I think we've changed, but not learned a lot.





morning looks
it again as it did on 9:12:10. Knows everything wonderful!
Hopefully a long time. For as long as it remains frosty, I am running the water is not down to the wall.
Until the day
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
P90x Online Watch Free
untethered "proof" video
Today on 8 December has MuscleNerd 2 videos posted on YouTube, because it proves that in an untethered jailbreak is possible. The whole thing proves it to an iPod Touch 4G.
Here is the video of him
That means for us as end users, and there is probably a very early untethered iDevices Jailbreak for all, who wants can still use redsn0w, only the whole is then tethered (so I'm also not a tutorial).
Today on 8 December has MuscleNerd 2 videos posted on YouTube, because it proves that in an untethered jailbreak is possible. The whole thing proves it to an iPod Touch 4G.
Here is the video of him
That means for us as end users, and there is probably a very early untethered iDevices Jailbreak for all, who wants can still use redsn0w, only the whole is then tethered (so I'm also not a tutorial).
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Can Water Retention Make You Look Pregnant
My long-term study
Because it just now again would not really work out with the picture setting, there is a small look-up.
When we lost at the beginning of the year in the snow, I had an idea.
One would regularly shoot the same spot and summarized as time-lapse. So you could see exactly what the weather was, and follow the seasons in the trees. No sooner said than done. It had to be a point at one of the summer and winter could stand and shoot. It must therefore each day and in all weather accessible. And of course you should see something too.
The body was found and is a beautiful piece of Deister and fir.
end of November was only the icy ridge. Then it was above a little white and 5.kam on the snow. Today, everything is covered with fog.
end of the year I'll make the movie and also hired.
Because it just now again would not really work out with the picture setting, there is a small look-up.
When we lost at the beginning of the year in the snow, I had an idea.
One would regularly shoot the same spot and summarized as time-lapse. So you could see exactly what the weather was, and follow the seasons in the trees. No sooner said than done. It had to be a point at one of the summer and winter could stand and shoot. It must therefore each day and in all weather accessible. And of course you should see something too.
The body was found and is a beautiful piece of Deister and fir.





end of November was only the icy ridge. Then it was above a little white and 5.kam on the snow. Today, everything is covered with fog.
end of the year I'll make the movie and also hired.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Simcity 4 Patch 1.1.638 Patch
, how time flies ...
My goodness, I have already written a long time nothing new.
No time! At first I was gone in wool mountains. It was really fun, but also work without end. There are still not set all the photos.
But it's my turn, and who always wants to, can then buy wool.
Yes and now we have snow mountains. Sure, all just lame excuses!
This cuddly, colorful mohair selection makes it immediately to knit pleasure.
Sofie My mouse has to get something completely new Nicholas.
I must go on. I wait it itches in your fingers and the knitting needles.
power Have a nice day!
My goodness, I have already written a long time nothing new.
No time! At first I was gone in wool mountains. It was really fun, but also work without end. There are still not set all the photos.
But it's my turn, and who always wants to, can then buy wool.
Yes and now we have snow mountains. Sure, all just lame excuses!
This cuddly, colorful mohair selection makes it immediately to knit pleasure.

Sofie My mouse has to get something completely new Nicholas.

I must go on. I wait it itches in your fingers and the knitting needles.
power Have a nice day!
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