Friday, December 31, 2010

Male Waxing In Canton Ohio

is almost over. For many years the first time I have noticed at the end: That was not so bad! It was a good thing as it was!

On the whole, the situation is as modest as in recent years and up to the end of our life. And yet I feel that life worth living. I need to do anything, I can or should do something.

Each day can be a beautiful day, when I want him to do.
I am pleased with the snowflakes and the blackbirds, the fight is the raisins. About my cat. About my children and grandchildren.
All are healthy and well advised, and do not really need me. But if one needs the other, he knows what he can do.

I am immersed in the blogger world and got to know something completely new.
This is a world in which there is no boredom and no loneliness. When I need contact or help and search, I find the one or the other or both. I do not want to be disturbed, I can be invisible and still participate in community life.

When I think, I note that happened this year, much is. However, without coercion, without hassle. I met new people, friends found, changed me. A lot has happened and I feel good no more like a long time. I've had in months, no depression. I just feel really good.

I wish to thank. Above all, you had the Mon catalyst and has exposed with gentle pressure my skills again. Thanks Mo!
But I have also met a lot of other people and a small part of it even in person at Eschwege. I'm looking forward to the next time, because come together as a couple of very special people and really have fun.
Thank you for the hours on the dog bed!

In less than two hours starts the new year.
I ask no more: Oh .. oh, what it will probably bring back?
I take each day as it comes and begin right around twelve of them.

given a stolen motto:

If you will, that the year is successful, you have to start on January 1 with it.

Gets along well over to 2011!
Until then! Knuddelz! Mieke!


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